About Us

Indo American Community of Scranton

Machine Learning Consultant


We, the members of the Indo American Community of Scranton extend a warm welcome to you on our Community Website.

About Indo American Community of Scranton

Machine learning
Deep Learning

Non Profitable Organization

IACOS is a non-profit organization that represents all sister organizations and non-profit organizations of the community in Scranton,PA with the primary purpose to bring diverse and very vibrant Indian community here in Pennsylvania.

Cultural Organization

The Association exists and strives to provide a common platform to all members living in Scranton for pursuing their common goals and efforts in the social, cultural, educational and charitable activities.

Social Events

IACOS since its inception has grown leaps and bounds. It is the events and activities that we organize help to bring us together as a community. Our events also help in promoting the Indo-American friendship and international goodwill.

A Trusted Non Profitable Community